Enroll a Student

Welcome to Berwick Area School District. The Central Registration Office looks forward to servicing our families in the Berwick Area School District. In order to enroll with our district, you will need your child's birth certificate, immunizations, and current proof of residency.

Accepted proof of residency is ONE of the following; 
-current driver's license
-current electric, gas or water bill
-current rental\lease agreement

If you have questions pertaining to registration, please contact us at This Email.
Our office fax number is 570-759-7019

For information regarding assisting homeless students and families,
click here: McKinney Vento Homeless Education

Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year

The child MUST be five years of age by September 1, 2025, in order to enroll into kindergarten for the 25-26 school year. Kindergarten pre-registration will begin February 1, 2025.

1.    Work through the six steps of the registration process.

2.    All fields with an (*) asterisks must have something entered.

3.    Upload the required documentation.

4.    You must click Save and Continue after each step.

If you are unable to upload the documents, still submit the application.

Click Here to Begin Registration: Berwick Kindergarten Registration

New Student to Berwick Area School District

Welcome to the Berwick Area School District. 

To begin the registration process, you will be required to create a New Account. After you create your account, an e-mail is sent to you which will contain the login information.
If you do not have internet access, contact our registration office at 570-759-6400 for an appointment.

Below is a list of required documentation that you will need for registration.

Proof of residence in the Berwick Area School District requires ONE of the following items
A valid Pennsylvania driver's license
A current lease or rental agreement
A current tax bill
A current utility bill indicating payment for a utility due to occupancy of a residence within the Berwick Area School District

Required Student Documents
The child's birth certificate or baptismal certificate
The child's current immunization records

Once you have submitted the application, the registration office will contact you with the student's start date.

Click here to begin: New Student Skyward Registration

Returning Student Enrollment

For students returning to the Berwick Area School district, you will use the Skyward Family Portal. Skyward will pre-populate the application with previous contact information. If this information has changed, please continue with the process. Uploading your current proof of address. The central registration office will contact you with any questions.

In addition, submission of the enrollment application does not indicate the student's start date. The central registration office will contact you with a start date.

Proof of residence in the Berwick Area School District requires ONE of the following items
A valid Pennsylvania driver's license
A current lease or rental agreement
A current tax bill
A current utility bill indicating payment for a utility due to occupancy of a residence within the Berwick Area School District

Required Student Documents
The child's birth certificate or baptismal certificate
The child's current immunization records

Click here to begin re-enrollment:  Skyward Family Portal